Wolfram|Alpha is in its infancy, and like any baby it can be quite cute. Like this example Janet discovered while trying to figure out how much powdered (confectioner's) sugar is in a box.

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For every presidential election in recent history (meaning at least the last 30), I have had one overriding concern: the nomination of Supreme Court justices. I was asked once why it would be a problem if President Obama merely replaces retiring liberal justices with more liberals—other than missing the opportunity to "pack" the court to my liking. That's when I realized that I don't want a biased Supreme Court, at least not in the sense my friend was implying. But neither do I want a "balanced" Supreme Court. I want one that will rule based on the Constitution, whether they are for or against me. I don't want the Judiciary taking over the role of the Legislature. If our Justices are chosen based on their positions on particular issues rather than for their position vis–à–vis the Constitution and the Law, I think we have little hope for real justice.
But enough heavy thinking! Mallard Fillmore can make me smile, even about such an important issue.
As if Wolfram|Alpha weren't enough to lure me away from productive work, Phil (not the Phil who comments here) posts this news story.
You get the picture.
(Oh, Janet—look what happens when you lure your mother to the computer for a phone call and then go out for the evening!
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This Stone Soup cartoon makes me think, not of our children, who have learned from us and built well upon what they've learned, so that we in our turn have learned from them, but about our society in general, as we (re)discover the virtues of thrift and living within one's means; of childbirth as a natural, personal process; of breastfeeding; of small farms and organically-grown food; of respecting, enjoying, and conserving our natural environment. We knew all this 40 years ago; how did we fail to pass it on? Probably in the same way our parents' and grandparents' generations failed to pass their virtues on to us....
Not that progress isn't being made: somehow we've managed to make smoke-free airplanes and restaurants stick, for one thing; and many in the next generation are rediscovering what was lost between our parents' generation and ours: the blessings of having many children. :)Permalink | Read 3137 times | Comments (0)
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Three diverse takes on China:
Although written nearly a year ago (note the line, "Assuming that the global economy does not decline now, it will at some point"), George Friedman's geopolitical analysis of China (via InvestorsInsight) is perhaps frightening, perhaps reassuring, but certainly fascinating. The concluding summary provides an introduction to the ideas, though it by no means does justice to the long article. (More)Permalink | Read 2177 times | Comments (0)
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Around here, we try to reuse sheets of paper that still have one good, blank side, which sometimes results in amusing or confusing combinations, as one wonders, "Is the back side of this page important?" Or even, "Which is the operative side here?" Yesterday I was browsing through my book of recipes—okay, my random collection of pages of all sizes and shapes stuck haphazardly in a notebook—when I came upon the recipe for "Nancy's Great Cookies." On the back was a list of words, probably though not definitely in Heather's handwriting, which would make it quite an old list. Although the words seemed random, I immediately realized that they were not.
Breathes there the man—or at least the American—with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land!: at, all, and, ball, bit, bump, cold, could, did, do, day, it, I, in, house, him, how, jump, go, looked, like, little, mat, made, not, nothing, on, one, out, play, sally, saw, sat, said, so, something, shine, sit, sun, step, that, two, the, too, then, to, there, us, we, was, went, wet, with, wish.Permalink | Read 2350 times | Comments (15)
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Where does Stephanie find these things? I'm four days late but have to share this anyway. If their country is no longer quite as pristine as when I visited 40 years ago, it's not the fault of these intrepid and dedicated Swiss!
Or, if you wish, in Russian, Dutch, or Italian. Enjoy!
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This showed up in my Google Reader feed, from Jon. I'm not certain, actually, that this was the video he intended, as I had to guess the url because the link didn't work—but whether or not, this is worth posting so you can see it. Those Welsh shepherds and their dogs are amazing.
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Andy B. posted a link to New Math on Facebook, and it tickled me so I'm passing it on. Many are funny, some a little odd, one or two potentially offensive. Here are a few that I liked:
Crazy = Talking to Oneself - (Cell phone + Earpiece)
TV Dinner = The Four Food Groups/4 + Dessert
Onions = Weeping - Catharsis
Rat = (Mouse x 4) - Cute
Nagging = Reminding + Reminding + Reminding
Uncle = Dad + Fun
Parallel Parking = Bumper Cars - Amusement Park
Escalator = Stairs - Thigh Muscles
Prequel = Sequel - 2
Uniqueness = Uniqueness
And my absolute favorite, the one that inspired this post:
Dissapointment = Expectation/Reality
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The usual disclaimers, I don't usually do "memes," etc. But when it's books, it's hard to resist. I found this one over at Percival Blakeney Academy. The instructions are:
- Look at the list and bold those you have read—films don't count.
- Italicize those you intend to read. ("Intend" may be a little strong. How about "Would like to read someday, sometime.)
- Tag somebody if you like. (I don’t like to tag people. But I’d love to see other people’s lists and comments.)
I don't know who chose the books on the list, nor why. It seems varied enough, with books old and new, and several I've never heard of. And any book list that includes Swallows and Amazons gets big points as far as I'm concerned. It could only have done better by including George MacDonald. :) My comments follow in parentheses. (More)
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Thanks, Peter, for this link, which I finally got around to checking out this morning. I'm not sure I know anyone who has 15 minutes to spare for watching this award-winning short film, but it will give you a smile if you need one.
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My to-do list is too long for me to indulge much in long stories or philosophical musings, so today you get just plain fun. Sometimes I think I'm the last person in the world to see things that have apparently been circulating on the Internet for years, but just in case I'm only the second-to-last, don't miss this.
Be sure to check out Matt's site for more details and other videos. You know how many teenaged boys dream of getting paid to play and design video games? Well, Matt had that dream job, and chucked it over for this. And I thought Janet was good at getting paid to travel.
(Parental advisory note: Once you get past the name of the site, which only matters if you can read, the video is perfectly safe and enjoyable for all ages. At least this one is; I haven't checked them all. See above comment about time limitations.)Permalink | Read 5418 times | Comments (3)
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Scott Adams strikes again, with a definitely nerdy variation on this popular saying:

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