A friend posted this on Facebook, and it still makes me smile. Except for the singular "Grandmother," which just sounds wrong on more than one level.
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With a tip o' the hat to Sarah D., who helped make my Facebook presence worthwhile by passing along this gem of a sight-singing test:
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I saw this on John Stackhouse's blog, and find it both sad, and amusing, and open to many more applications than Christian denominationalism. Enjoy! (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
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Here are the results of my trial of SurveyMonkey, which, by the way, I think is pretty cool and hope to find more uses for. I have closed the survey, as there has been plenty of time to respond for those who wish to, and I'm starting to get spam. (That's why one of the comments has been blacked out.)
I considered blacking out the name in the second comment from the bottom, but "Fasnachtschüechli" is as good an identifier. :) That's as close, I note, as anyone got to a Fasnacht/Carnival/Mardi Gras festival. I missed Zurich's by a few days. (But I did enjoy Fasnachtschüechli!)
Thanks to everyone who participated!
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Today's Stone Soup:
Less on the Scrabble side, more on the Boggle side—when you have meals to fix and children to tend, long games don't work well—but this is my family! I don't know Words with Friends; can anyone enlighten me?
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
This survey has no purpose, other than to let me try out SurveyMonkey.
There's supposed to be an embedded survey below. [Update: there isn't.] If not, you can (supposedly) participate by clicking on this link: Take our Lenten Practices Survey now.
A few things I think I'm supposed to add:
- This survey is not intended for respondents under the age of majority in their own country (or 13 years of age in the U.S.). [I don't like age discrimination any more than the next person, but this is legal stuff. Have a parent fill it out for you. Not that I think anyone under 13 is reading my blog.]
- Please be advised that your responses to this survey may not be treated as anonymous by the survey sender. [This means that theoretically I might be able to figure out who you are from your IP address or something. If that bothers you, don't answer.]
- For general privacy concerns, read the SurveyMonkey Privacy Policy [It's actually pretty clear, as these things go.]
- You can create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
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Here's one reason why it's more fun to be Episcopalian/Anglican/Catholic/Orthodox or anyone else for whom Christmas lasts a full twelve days.
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Bah, humbug. We live in very safe, sidewalked neighborhood of over 900 homes, and to our door tonight came one, count 'em, ONE boy who might have been in middle school, a handful of high school students, and two ADULTS begging for candy! One had a pacifier-sucking toddler in a stroller, presumably as her excuse for trick-or-treating, though in this case I have to hope she was planning to eat the candy herself. Nothing interesting in the way of costumes.
Maybe next year we'll save on candy and just keep the lights off. We have more leftover candy than our grandkids could (read, "would be allowed to") eat in a year. It's not your grandmother's Hallowe'en anymore.
On a cheerier note, in a neighborhood nearby the child-like inhabitants had a glorious time celebrating the day, which is the real reason for this post. Enjoy! (H/T a WWMB friend.)
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I love this Feudal Effort strip! (Click on the image for a larger version.) It describes exactly the attitude I have when watching quasi-historical movies. Not to mention movies based on books. ("Would it have hurt them to actually read the book?")
I do cut Shakespeare some slack, however. He didn't have the same access to sources as we do, and anyway, he certainly didn't have time to spare. It just might have killed him to do basic fact-checking.
Speaking of historical interest, Duncan I was my 28th great-grandfather. :)
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Perhaps it's my own OCD tendencies, but I greatly enjoyed Monk, the TV show about a brilliant detective with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Given that and a prejudice in favor of my country-in-law, how could I resist Ursus Wehrli, the Swiss artist and comedian whose concept of order stands out even in the country of precision watches and trains you can set those watches by. (H/T Jon)
Wehrli's TED lecture, Tidying Up Art, shows what I mean. If you think modern art is just a little too random, Wehrli's your man.
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Flash mob Bolero is a great idea (H/T Jon) that doesn't quite work.
Ravel's repetitive work is best appreciated, I find, when one can see, rather than just hear, each different instrument as it joins the progression, so the Copenhagen Philharmonic's idea of performing it through the flash mob medium was brilliant. My only complaint is that much of the effect of the music is lost by being cut by about two thirds.
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My sister-in-law, ever the teacher, saw some children catching blue crabs from our bridge. Walking over, she engaged them in conversation and taught them a bit about the crabs, in particular how to tell the males from the females. One of the children, a ten-year-old from the District of Columbia, caught on right away:
Oh! One is the Monument and the other the Capitol!
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
(Photo credit Hackensack Riverkeeper)
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
H/T to Jon:
In Google maps, get directions from "Beijing, China" to "Taipei, Taiwan." Look at direction 40.
Then do the same thing from Beijing, China to Tokyo, Japan, and look at direction 32.
A quick search didn't turn up anything else as interesting.
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Don't ask me how I came upon Sporcle, but beware—it's addictive! There are quick quizzes for a wide array of subjects, and I've found them useful for refreshing the ol' memory on things I should know, as well as learning new interesting facts and just plain trivia. Not to mention spelling, as it doesn't matter if you do know the capital of Iceland if you can't spell Reykjavík, which I can't—yet. But I'm learning. Here are some of my favorites:
Countries of Europe Also North America, South America, Africa (up-to-date with South Sudan!) Asia, Oceania, and—if you have more time than I do—the world) and other geography games.
Books of the Old Testament (oh, those minor prophets!) Also New Testament, Apostles, Seven Deadly Sins, Roman and Greek gods.
U.S. Presidents: easy version (in order), hard version (random, by term of office).
Elements of the Periodic Table (accepts either "aluminum" or "aluminium").
Here's one for parents: can you name all the words in The Cat in the Hat?
Interesting trivia: common U.S. street names.
There's lots more, some more interesting and useful than others. I find the music category almost useless, although there are a few good ones if you dig, like Symphony Orchestra Instruments. Composers by Country was kind of fun.
Enjoy! And please post a comment here if you find good quizzes I haven't mentioned.