Take time out of your Christmas Rush and enjoy this offering from the Von Tone-Deaf Family Singers.  :)

(Hat tip to Jennifer at Conversion Diary.)
Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, December 20, 2008 at 7:54 am | Edit
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

I'm sorry I've been too busy to write much lately.  Here's a quick tidbit for the one or two of you who check here daily and may be wondering where I am.  (Thank you, loyal reader!)

Here's an article that debunks some common medical myths.  I don't know as I believe everything they say (I mean, what parent hasn't seen a child go crazy after eating lots of sugar?), but here's an interesting take on the idea that it's important to wear a hat because we lose most of our body heat through our heads.

[T]he US Army Field manual for survival recommends covering your head in cold weather because around 40-45% of body heat is lost through the head.  A recent study, however, showed there is nothing special about heat loss from the head - any uncovered part of the body would lose heat.  Scrutiny of the literature shows this myth probably originated with an old military study in which scientists put individuals in arctic survival suits (but with no hat) and measured their body temperature in extreme conditions.  If the experiment had been done with the participants wearing only swimsuits they would not have lost more than 10% of their body heat through their heads, the researchers said.

Interesting.  I'm keeping my winter hat, though; there are times when I need that 10%.
Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 19, 2008 at 7:22 am | Edit
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Category Health: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

With both of our girls we participated in the wonderful YMCA Swim and Gym classes from the time they were a few months old.  The Y no longer offers this great class—the organization officially no longer believes infants should learn to swim, much to the distress of Floridians who know how important it is.  Be that as it may, these twice-weekly parent/child sessions were one of the best parenting decisions we ever made, and lots of fun besides.

Having little ones who can swim well has its consequences.  For one thing, you freak out all the other folks at a public pool when your child launches herself into the deep end, while you remain in your lounge chair, calmly watching her swim the length of the pool and climb out. (More)
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 5:10 pm | Edit
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Because I have often written about Germany's persecution of parents who believe the education of their children is best accomplished outside of the state public schools (this post will lead you to some of the other stories), it's a pleasure to be able to bring some good news as well:  Prosecutors are dropping charges against the Brause family, which had faced up to two years in prison and the loss of their children.  If this seems a "Well, duh!" kind of accomplisment, it is important to remember that it was not so long ago that we were celebrating such events as great victories in the U. S.

[T]he announcement came after the court received a detailed psychiatric report that there is no psychological harm to the children from homeschooling. The report also stated that the children have not been harmed [academically], which is evidenced by [the] exit exams [of the two oldest children] from high school

Lest we complacently conclude that the plight of homeschoolers in Germany is Germany's problem, not ours, American citizenship is not a sufficient defense if you live in Germany and want to teach your own children.  An American family living in Berlin was recently ordered to court because of their homeschooling, and under legal advice the mother and children have fled to the United States until the situation can be resolved.

I'm delighted to see evidence of progress anywhere in the world, and also for the reminder that "watch, work, and pray" never ceases to be necessary.
Posted by sursumcorda on Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 6:53 am | Edit
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Category Education: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Politics: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

The History of the Ancient World:  From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome, by Susan Wise Bauer (W. W. Norton, New York, 2007)

Despite having some initial negative reactions to Susan Wise Bauer, I've continued to find her work delightful and invaluable.  (See my reviews of The Well-Trained Mind, The Story of the World, and The Well-Educated Mind.)  I haven't read more than a small part of The History of the Ancient World, but borrowed it from the library in order to determine whether or not to buy it for myself.  I've so enjoyed—and learned from—listening to Jim Weiss read The Story of the World, which was written for elementary-age children, that I wondered if Bauer could bring as much delight into a history book for adults.

Time does not permit me to read through the book, much less review it properly, but let's just say I wish I didn't have to take it back to the library as soon as possible to remove temptation.  The History of the Ancient World is delightful to read.  Much of the delight, I think, comes from the philosophy of her approach, which she explains much better in the introduction than I have time to write, or even to copy, here.  Bauer is interested in people:  their lives, thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams, actions, and relationships.  She minimizes the general and the theoretical in favor of the personal, and includes the myths and stories of a culture as well as verifiable facts.  The stories that have come down with a people from before recorded time should inform our historical speculations as much as potsherds from an archeological dig.

This approach no doubt will anger many, some because she finds historical value in passages from the Bible, and others because she gives similar respect to the ancient stories of other cultures.  To me, it makes for great story-telling.  The History of the Ancient World has earned a place on my wish list, perhaps for the next time Borders offers me a 40% off coupon, and I certainly hope Susan Wise Bauer is working on a sequel.
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 9:45 am | Edit
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Category Reviews: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Education: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

I've known for a long time that the plight of homeschoolers in Germany is dire, as I've written before (for example, here, here, and here); I've also known that the situation in Switzerland is worrisome, legal in some cantons, illegal in others, and sometimes in between.  The Swiss are careful to point out that they are not German so I have hope that they will distinguish themselves by moving in the direction of more liberty.  It wasn't that long ago, after all, that homeschooling in the United States was similarly at risk.  However, Principled Discovery has discovered some alarming news.  (Thanks, DSTB.)

According to the Tages Anzeiger, one of the most widely read newspapers in Switzerland, homeschooling is about to become severely restricted in the Canton of Zurich.

Private Education: Parents threaten with disobedience

December 4, 2008

Beginning next summer at the latest, parents will only be allowed to educated their children at home when they have a teacher’s certificate.  Eight families are resisting—with all means.  Tages Anzeiger

The article goes on to say that this new regulation will affect fifty families, but apparently only these eight families have chosen to fight.  The Education Director has thus far rejected all offers of compromise.  If they continue and do not win their cases, the families face fines of up to 5000 Francs (about $4,100) and a possible citation for disobedience of official orders.

Read the whole story.  Those with a working knowledge of German may want to read the Tages Anzeige article directly; I can only hope it is the translation that makes the language sound strident and authoritarian.

The most chilling words are in the law that was not passed, so perhaps the Swiss will be more resistent to educational tyrrany than the Germans.

Private schools should teach the same world view as taught in public schools.

That, alas, is what many people, even in the United States, mean when they talk about the "socialization issue" with homeschoolers.  It's not that they worry that homeschooled children won't learn how to get along with other people, but that they will learn to think independently and not conform.
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 9:41 pm | Edit
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Category Education: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Politics: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

The difficult task of developing a vaccine for malaria appears to be making progress.  The RTS,S vaccine, developed by GlaxoSmithKline, has reduced malaria cases by about half in field trials, which is a significant breakthrough, even if not perfect.

It's frustrating, how much of a role fashion and politics play in determining where medical research is directed.  Ask the man on the street to name the disease that's devastating Africa, and nearly everyone will answer, "AIDS."  Granted, it's huge problem.  But I'd be willing to bet that lack of clean water, good nutrition, and basic health education and services is the bigger issue.  When it comes to research and funding efforts, since AIDS, being sex- and blood-borne, is nearly 100% preventable, while mosquito-transmitted malaria is nearly unavoidable if one lives in Sub-Saharan Africa, aren't our priorities a little skewed?

This is where I'd usually complain about all the effort and publicity that's gone into Viagra, a drug which at best enhances the quaility of life for a few, while over a million people die each year from malaria—but I'm pretty sure it's income from drugs like Viagra that make it possible for pharmaceutical companies to work on the more important issues.
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 10:10 am | Edit
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Category Health: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

We bought some luggage today.  Amongst the choices, we found an American Tourister set that would do the job, but decided to look a bit further.  Then we found some Swiss luggage that made my heart sing.  It was billed as being made by the same people who make the Swiss Army knife, was an arresting red color easy to spot on an airport carousel, and was marked with a Swiss cross emblem.  Besides, it was Swiss!  Must be good, right?  It was also more than twice the price of the other set, another supposed indicator of quailty.

After further investigation, we went for the lower cost, because there was no convincing evidence that the construction was any less durable, even if it did lack the je ne sais quoi factor.  We would have happily paid the additional money, however, had the luggage really been made in Switzerland.  But no, both the Swiss Army bags and the American Tourister were...made in China.
Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 3:00 pm | Edit
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Category Politics: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Where there are tests, there will be cheaters, and if the teachers are being judged by the efforts of their students, there will be teachers who cheat, too.  In order to help their students on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test for writing, some teachers are having them memorize stock phrases with which to populate their essays.  Formulaic writing to the nth degree.  The practice is common enough that exam graders are finding the same phrases—odd phrases, such as "one quintessential, supersonic day"—on exams throughout the state.

I'm not sure which is worse, that the teachers might be cheating, or that they might actually think this is what leads to good writing.  And to think I felt guilty when our previously homeschooled kids shocked their first high school English teacher by not knowing what a "five paragraph essay" was.
Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8:57 pm | Edit
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Category Education: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

What older person hasn't looked into the mirror, whether physical or metaphorical, and noticed, "I'm becoming my mother/father!"?  I've observed both tendencies in myself, but the latest revelation is that I'm becoming my husband.

For much of my young life it was illegal in the United States to buy or import products made in China.  Aware of this, I looked with awe upon a cheap Chinese toy in a Canadian gift shop, wondering perhaps if it might blow up in my hands or impart some poison into my body.  Still, when the ban was lifted, I saw no reason not to buy the Chinese products that began to trickle onto our shelves.  I grew frustrated with Porter's insistence on buying products made in the U.S.A. whenever possible, and embarrassed at his constant checking for the origin of items in the stores.  I'll admit it:  I laughed at his parochialism.  After all, don't Chinese families have as much right to live and eat and make money as American families?  (More)

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 5, 2008 at 5:46 pm | Edit
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Category Politics: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

A recent news story highlights the perils of giving birth in Afghanistan.  It's a great thing that midwives are being trained to help improve the country's appalling maternal mortality rate, which is as bad as it gets unless you give birth in Sierra Leone.  However, the article indicates to me that we are training them in the medical model of care when it comes to childbirth.  Given that childbirth is a natural and normal process for all but a small percentage of births, lack of access to (or willingness to use) doctors and hospitals is hardly the main problem.  Promoting the Midwives' Model of Care along with good nutrition and prenatal care would probably do more than anything else to reduce the grip fear, pain, and death on Afghani mothers.

Afghanistan needs Ina May Gaskin—albeit with a bit of censorship required, especially the part about orgasmic childbirth.  That wouldn't go over with the imams, no, not at all....
Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 5, 2008 at 1:59 pm | Edit
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Category Health: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Politics: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Eric Schultz has done it again.  Never would I have thought a business writer could be so interesting.  Perhaps it's because he's also a genealogist.  :)  Yesterday's post, Leadership in the White Space, is about business, but along the way touches on astrophysics and music, with this idea for a mystery novel:  (More)

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 5, 2008 at 8:27 am | Edit
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

I'll admit it:  I've been an A.W.A.D. fan ever since my father signed me up for the daily e-mails over 10 years ago, and I often enjoy the quotations as much as the definitions.  On December 2, however, the quotation was a definition that should have made any dictionary fan cringe:

Democracy, to me, is liberty plus economic security. - Maury Maverick, attorney and congressman (1895-1954)

Huh?  As valuable as liberty and economic security may be, what on earth do they have to do with defining democracy?  If we are going to re-define words willy-nilly, language has no meaning.  It's the Humpty-Dumpty Effect. (More)
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 9:23 am | Edit
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

The homeschool group my nephews belong to has been meeting once a week for ice skating, and today I joined them.  I can't tell you how long it has been since I've skated, but I think my ankles can.  Normally I leave the lacing of my skates rather loose for comfort and blood circulation, but today I found I needed a little more support.  Having made that adjustment, however, I had a blast—and so, I believe, did my nephews.  What a great way to get exercise without knowing it, at least until the skating is over.  I'm also reliving my childhood, apparently, having just a few days earlier gone bowling, a sport last attempted even longer ago than skating.

After the skating was over, I made a point of thanking the person in charge of the music that played while we skated.  The music itself was not spectacular, nor even enjoyable.  It did include the obligatory Hokey Pokey, though not, I now realize, the Chicken Dance.  What made the music so unusually delightful was that it was played at less than jet-engine assault volume.  In this it contrasted starkly, not only with most skating rink experiences, but also church services, movie theaters, the above-mentioned bowling alley, and even Yorktown.  (The last has some excuse, there being no volume knob on a cannon.)
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 10:53 pm | Edit
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Thanks, Peter, for this link, which I finally got around to checking out this morning.  I'm not sure I know anyone who has 15 minutes to spare for watching this award-winning short film, but it will give you a smile if you need one.

Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 10:01 am | Edit
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