Since—ta da!—we expect our fourth grandchild in October , and since choosing a baby's name has an aura of sacrament in the Daley household, and since others have already begun making positive suggestions, I hereby offer an article on baby names not to use.'s Bad Baby Names on the Brain features the book, Bad Baby Names: The Worst True Names Parents Saddled Their Kids With—And Now You Can Too! I don't know if the article is open to the public or requires a subscription; in case of the latter, I present just a few of the 2,000 or so names, culled from census data, that I would rather not use when speaking of our newest grandchild: Title Page, Magenta Flamingo, Ghoul Nipple, Mann Pigg, Mary A. Belcher, Deuteronomy Temple, Hell Grimes, Lucifer Carmendo, Sandwich Green, Mayo Head, Tuna Fish, Fanny Pack, Major Nutt, Warren Peace. Some people have no imagination; names like Octavio and Quintin clearly indicate birth order (though the one present-day Octavio I know is an only child; go figure), but the authors also found, as first names, "every number from one to twenty, by tens to a hundred, and thousand, million, billion, and infinity." I know our Puritan ancestors were fond of naming their children after virtues (Love, Prudence, Patience, Charity, Endurance), and sometimes after circumstances associated with their lives (Fear, Wrestling), but who would name a child Lust, Wrath, Greed, Avarice, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, or Pride?
Take a moment and be thankful for your parents' wisdom. Even if you've always hated your name, you now know it could have been much, much worse.
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I've known the Agony of Defeat often enough when it comes to the sport of e-mail balancing, but today I glory in a victory: My Inbox is empty.
That's rare enough, but not enough to merit a blog post. Although it seems to balloon to over 100 e-mails with unconscionable ease, and sad to say even 300 if I blink, I can usually whack it down to manageable size, even briefly zero, with a little sustained effort. And some cheating. (More)
I had hoped to bring you video of tonight's launch of the space shuttle Endeavour. Night launches are rare and beautiful. However, although Endeavour had a successful launch, my view was completely obscured by a generally-overcast sky. So my best view was the same as yours: that provided by the television cameras. Only I'll bet none of you were actually up at this hour watching. I wouldn't have awakened just to see it on TV, but any launch is worth seeing, and even the chance of a night launch is worth arising for.
It was almost worth getting up to see another phenomenon: twilight at 2 a.m. The clouds were low and reflected back so much city light that I could have been excused for thinking I'd wandered into the Land of the Midnight Sun...were it not for the 62-degree temperature.
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Two years ago, Andy F. alerted me to a National Review article by Rod Dreher entitled Crunchy Cons. This was actually a reprint, the original having been published 'way back in 2002. Andy suggested I might enjoy both the article and the opportunity to turn it into a blog post, and he was right. It's not his fault it's taken me so long to write.
As Janet has mentioned (in her comment on My Lenten Disciplines), nothing sends me to sleep faster than staring at the television set: broadcast show, DVD movie, or even a Teaching Company lecture that I'm particularly interested in seeing, it matters not. There's something about the experience that triggers the sleep reflex in me. Oddly, it's a particularly pleasant sleep, too—perhaps it hearkens back to childhood days of drifting off to the incomprehensible yet comforting sound of adult voices. Thus I couldn't help noticing when two consecutive comics (Baldo and Hi and Lois) in my morning routine hit that nerve.
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
For those of you who don't read Heather and Jon's blog, I can't resist posting this view of life through the eyes of a four-year-old living in a geek house in this new century:
We happened to get two pictures in the mail, and Jonathan was holding them and looking at them. Then he piped up, "How do you get pictures to look like this?" Like what? This is a 21st century boy—he meant how do they get on paper.
It's another one of those things I lived without just fine, thank you, though now I wonder why I waited so long. Blame an outdated sense of the cost of webcams; I never imagined I could buy one for under $100, much less under $30. But thanks to Stephan, Janet, and Best Buy, I'm all set.
It has been great to be able to see Janet when I talk with her, as well as for her to be able to initiate phone calls. Now I'm having double the fun (or five times as much, depending on how you calculate it) because another of my favorite families has joined the video Skype crowd. I'm sure the excitement will wear off after a while, but for now I'm enjoying lots of smiles, hugs, I-love-yous, what's-happening-now, and best of all those dear faces and voices. I love to get those quick little text messages that say things like "Hi! I finished my math and am now going to do writing," with plenty of music note and hugging teddy bear emoticons.
And this morning? This morning I was the delighted one-person, long-distance audience for a cello concert!Now here's something we don't see every day. In fact, this is the first time. I looked out the front window, saw a flock of ibis (or ibises if you prefer) standing around on our street!
Then they started marching.
Our neighbor, who is reroofing his house, made a sudden noise, and they flew off.
(As usual, click on the preview pictures for a larger view, and click on the links to see the videos.)Permalink | Read 2219 times | Comments (1)
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I am so tired of being grumpy about the movies we've seen recently in our Oscar-winning Best Picture Odyssey. I should mention that, although we've beeng going roughly in chronological order, we haven't been watching them all. Some of the early ones aren't available, and of the later ones we've skipped those Porter had already seen. Our next one is Gladiator (2000), and of all those remaining, the only one I'm looking forward to is A Beautiful Mind. We recently discovered, however, that we had somehow skipped Driving Miss Daisy (1989).
At last I can report a positive experience! So many of the recent movies have been downright revolting, or at best blah and dissatisfying. Driving Miss Daisy was delightful from beginning to end. The PG rating, I have decided, is far too broad. This movie was rated PG; as far as I can tell, the cause being one, brief instance of bad language (ask me if you care to know what it is) that was appropriate to the context. There are plenty of other PG movies I've found much, much more offensive. There is one scary scene on which I won't elaborate, but it wouldn't frighten anyone ignorant of Alabama history. Not that the movie is appropriate for young children anyway. It is an adult film, but only because it's about characters, not action. (More)
Having discovered FEEDJIT on Stephanie's blog, I had to try it myself. (That's the "Recent Visitors" map in the panel to the right.) It's a graphical (and geographical) peek at who my faithful readers are, and who has wandered in via a random search. Don't worry, I don't really know who you are, just where you're coming from (which allows me to guess who you might be). Even that isn't always accurate; I'm certain that all those Portsmouth, Rhode Island hits are actually from Hartford, Connecticut. And my Swiss fan has only once showed up as from Basel—the rest are all over the map, and I'm certain I don't have a following at the Château de Chillon, despite the hits from Montreux. The greatest problem is that I won't see you if you hide behind a feedreader; until Heather posted a comment, one would have thought I had no readers in Pittsburgh at all.
Still, it's been both entertaining and enlightening. I'm certain of the identity of those who show up on the map as Oswego and Schenectady, and am delighted to know you read much more than you comment. :) I can identify most of my known readers, but am totally mystified by someone in Tempe, Arizona, who read some 20 posts. Most who find me via a search read the one post and then leave. (More)I am on an Andrew Pudewa kick. I first discovered his Institute for Excellence in Writing through an online forum for early childhood education, and—as usual—once I'd heard of him, his name started coming to my attention in other ways. A friend of ours is the principal of a private Christian school which emphasizes academic excellence as well as a solid Christian worldview, and she and her teachers waxed so enthusiastic about his program for teaching writing that she even sent me a sample videotape of one of his lectures. It didn't take me long to get hooked. For the first three minutes, I found Pudewa's voice to be annoying; after that I was so intrigued by what he was saying and how he was presenting it that it didn't matter.
Now I'm not averse to spending money on educational materials for our grandkids, but they're not yet old enough for the writing materials, which are a bit pricey to buy on speculation, especially since there might well be a subsequent edition or two by the time they would be used. Fortunately for my curiosity, one of our favorite homeschooling families was impressed enough to try it out, and I'm looking forward to hearing about their experiences. (More)
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In case any of you are more aware of the news than I am (I suspect that includes most of you), we have not been affected by the Florida Power and Light blackout. (We have a different power company.) I understand that parts of our county have been, so I might notice if I were out driving around, but I'm not, and aside from a brief Internet glitch (which is not all that uncommon) everything seems normal. A beautiful sunny day, with a lovely more-than-normal breeze, though I did wish I'd changed into shorts before going for my walk this morning.
My good friend PG has often been my source of breaking news, and she was again, IM-ing me from Rochester, NY to ask if we were okay. :)Permalink | Read 2464 times | Comments (0)
Category Hurricanes and Such: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Has anyone here seen the movie, The English Patient? If so, did you like it? If you did, why?
It was the latest in our Academy Award Best Picture quest, and I had been looking forward to it, largely because I had remembered positive reviews of it. I obviously had not paid enough attention to the reviews. It wasn't the worst movie—I knew enough not to join Porter in watching The Silence of the Lambs—but afterwards I felt I had been walking about in slime to no purpose. (More)I mentioned the advantages of my customized Google News page yesterday, and here today is another example of its serendipity. One of my categories is "Basel Switzerland," which I'll admit is not usually very interesting as it usually contains only stories about banks, drug companies, and the occasional Paris Hilton slip-up. This morning, however, I was greeted by the headline, More Dairies Go Raw. That sounded interesting, given my interest in foods natural and unpasteurized, and my observation that, while Switzerland does cheese very, very well, the milk—at least that available in the grocery stores—is less than stellar. Just like here, everything is pasteurized and homogenized, and if you want skim milk (as I do), you are reduced to buying that which has been so denatured as to be able to sit, unrefrigerated, on the shelf for an indeterminant time. No thanks; I got my dairy from yoghurt and cheese while we were there.
So what was a story from the Boston Globe doing in my Basel news feed? Because of these sentences:
Researchers at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Basel in Switzerland followed nearly 15,000 children ages 5 to 15 in Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Germany from 2001 to 2004. The study, sponsored by the European Union and published in 2007, found that children who drank raw milk had a lower incidence of asthma and allergies.
I love the season of Lent. Not only because of all the great hymns associated with it, but because of the new possibilities it opens up. At face value, idea of giving something up for Lent is a negative one, and a rather poor picture of the one at whose "right hand are pleasures forevermore." Whether we observe Lent by abstention from something pleasurable, or by some positive action, I believe God's purpose in the exercise is to unshackle us from old habits and open our hearts to something new and better.
Thus I have at different times celebrated Lent in various ways, from a more traditional fasting from sweets to "fasting" from making negative comments (harder than you think!) to making myself listen daily to a genre of music I dislike ("praise and worship songs") to listing, at the close of every day, five things for which I was thankful (a lovely exercise). Lenten disciplines are much more fun than New Year's resolutions, because you only commit yourself from Ash Wednesday till Easter. Thus it's easier to experiment, to be more daring, to test new ideas and practices. (More)Permalink | Read 3978 times | Comments (2)
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