It shouldn't have been so hard, though I'll admit I'm stubborn. Firefox has been nagging me for days to update my Flash player, but I have to check the box that says I've read the EULA, and every time I tried to download the pdf, it gave me an error at best—and sometimes crashed my machine.
I tried on another computer with the same result.
I don't mind skimming EULAs, and even fudging on the part that requires me to say I actually understand them, especially when half the agreement is in French. But I refuse to say I've read something when it's not even possible to get a copy of it.
After checking the Adobe site, forums, and Google to no avail, finally inspiration struck: I copied the url of the recalcitrant file out of Firefox and into Internet Explorer—and it worked. Then I could go back into Firefox and complete the update. Even that required several attempts and a couple of Firefox restarts, though.
And that was just for one computer. For the other I still haven't been successful, as the update refuses to download, telling me a plug-in is missing—without telling me what plug-in is missing, and when I search for the missing plug-in, nothing is found.
What a waste of time!
Murder Must Advertise, by Dorothy Sayers (Avon, New York, 1967)
Dorothy Sayers is one of my favorite authors, both fiction and non-fiction, and her Lord Peter Wimsey mystery stories among the best of that genre. I've read them all so many times that quotations from them worm their way up from the depths of my brain unbidden, enabling me to appear knowledgeable in fields where my ignorance is nearly complete, as happened earlier this year while I was sitting in on a class about medieval manuscripts. (More)
Having family all over the globe makes for an interesting life, but sometimes it's hard to know which end is up—or more importantly, who is up when. Enter FoxClocks, an add-on for FireFox, which has made that task much easier for me. There's also a version for Thunderbird, and I use both to my advantage.
My two favorite display formats are (1) showing the city, time, and day in the status bar:
and (2) a tiny icon in the status bar which pops up that information when I hover my mouse over it.
Regular readers of Lift Up Your Hearts! know I'm a fan of Lenore Skenazy's Free-Range Kids blog, though I blush to admit I haven't (yet) read her book of the same name. I've written quite a few comments there, and a recent letter I sent evolved into a guest post, which you can find here: A List that Sums Things Up Nicely.
To anyone who may have wandered over from the link at FRK, welcome! Things are pretty random here, as this is where I post, for family and friends, whatever happens to be on my mind. That way they don't have to hear me talk about it quite so much. Okay, so it's really just a small portion of what is buzzing around in my brain; fortunately, life imposes time limitations.
In the upper right hand corner you'll find links to what it's all about here, and various disclaimers and disclosures. Thanks for visiting!
The Chronological Guide to the Bible (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 2010)
My review copy of this book arrived from the publisher at a fortuitous time: I happened to have recently begun reading Susan Wise Bauer's History of the Ancient World. Each book is good; together they are a great window on the historical and cultural settings for Biblical events.
The book meant to be read with the Chronological Guide, however, is the Bible, and I look forward to that adventure in the future. A Bible itself, arranged in chronological order, would be easier than flipping back and forth, but the Guide is small (not much over 200 pages) and easy to read even though dense with facts, works with any Bible translation, and lets the reader decide how to proceed in places where historical order is uncertain or controversial. It really is just a guide; you must do the work of actually opening the Bible yourself. (More)
Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front. by Joel Salatin (Polyface Inc., Swoope, Virginia, 2007)
Until now, I've written more about Joel Salatin than I've read by him: almost a year ago in Strange Bedfellows? Not Really, and three months later in my review of The Omnivore's Dilemma. Wanting to correct that sin of omission, I grabbed the only one of his books available in our local library: Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal.
On every side, our paternalistic culture is tightening the noose around those of us who just want to opt out of the system. And it is the freedom to opt out that differentiates tyrannical and free societies. How a culture deals with its misfits reveals its strength. The stronger a culture, the less it fears the radical fringe. The more paranoid and precarious a culture, the less tolerance it offers. When faith in our freedom gives way to fear of our freedom, silencing the minority view becomes the operative protocol. — Joel Salatin
Salatin wants to opt out of a little more of the system than I do, but I hear his cry. You could call him bitter, but if you consider the miracle that is Polyface Farms, you have to wonder why our government is working so hard to stamp out such elegant, inexpensive, healthy, delicious, and truly "green" (in a conservationist sense) endeavors. (More)
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For friends and family who prefer to ignore Facebook:
Jonathan: Dad, the spaceship book gave me an idea, and I'm going to be working on a project. It requires liquid oxygen....
Anyone have some spare LOX for an ambitious six-year-old?
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I wasn't going to write about the two recent examples of September 11-related hysteria run amok, because (a) there has already been too much reaction, and (b) believe it or not, the fate of the world does not hinge on what I write on the Internet. But in another context I was invited to share my opinion, and you know how I love to get double duty out of the effort it takes to write.
First, the "Ground Zero mosque" flap. Whether a mosque, or Islamic center, or church, or store, or apartment building, or library, or strip club is built in New York City is none of my business. Nor is it the business of 99% of the others who have weighed in on the issue, including President Obama, foreigners, and talk show hosts. It is New York City's business, at whatever level zoning regulations are made. If the neighbors object to a proposed project, they have the right, and possibly the duty, to oppose it at zoning board hearings, to write letters to local papers, to make local speeches, to go from door to door with petitions. My opinion is irrelevant, as is that of the President of the United States. (More)
In George MacDonald's novel, Salted with Fire, I encountered the following statement:
He would never rise from a finished job, however near might be the hour for dropping work, without having begun another to go on with in the morning.
I read it long ago, but it has never left me, and is the inspiration for this month's resolution. It's likely that Getting Things Done has also inspired me, with its emphasis on "next actions." (More)
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This is a short post, because I don't have a lot to say about electricity in Switzerland, but I like their home outlets. I'd rather the world adopt our 110 volt system, for safety reasons, but if I could I'd change our plugs to the Swiss type. See how sturdy the prongs are? No worries about accidentally bending them when you stretch the cord too much, straining to get the vacuum cleaner to reach to the far corner. Some outlets are combined with light switches, and many are recessed—a neat safety device that makes it impossible for the prongs to be connected to the electricity and touching your fingers at the same time.
Maybe this post should be "readjustments," since I'm now home and experiencing reverse culture shock, but it's still worth talking about transportation.
Basel is a city, albeit one of the nicest cities I know. It's the third largest in Switzerland, a little smaller in population than Providence, Rhode Island or Tallahassee, Florida, but a lot more dense. I'm not fond of cities, in general, but if you wanted to design a situation that is perfect for public transit, walking, and biking, you could hardly do better—and Basel made a conscious choice, back in the 1970's, to encourage those modes of transport. (More)
I am republishing my initial comments, made in December 2008, when I checked The History of the Ancient World out of the library then discovered I didn't have time to read it. Now, nearly two years later, I have finally read the book, and my additional comments are added below.
The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome, by Susan Wise Bauer (W. W. Norton, New York, 2007)
Despite having some initial negative reactions to Susan Wise Bauer, I've continued to find her work delightful and invaluable. (See my reviews of The Well-Trained Mind, The Story of the World, and The Well-Educated Mind.) I haven't read more than a small part of The History of the Ancient World, but borrowed it from the library in order to determine whether or not to buy it for myself. I've so enjoyed—and learned from—listening to Jim Weiss read The Story of the World, which was written for elementary-age children, that I wondered if Bauer could bring as much delight into a history book for adults. (More)
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, by Robert Greenberg; a Teaching Company lecture
I've said it before: For accessible, serious, high-quality, adult-level educational materials (DVD, CD, mp3 download) it's hard to beat The Teaching Company. Robert Greenberg is one of my favorite lecturers, and this—so far—my favorite of his courses. (More)
Gabriel Kron. Of all the amazing people who have intersected with my life, he is probably the safest to write about, since he died more than 40 years ago. So I will; he deserves to be better known.
I knew him as my father's friend and mountain climbing partner; my father knew him from their days together at the General Electric Company in Schenectady, New York. Dad, a Tau Beta Pi engineer (like his father, two of his children, and a grandchild), was no intellectual slouch, but he never pretended to understand anything of Gabe's work.
It didn't matter. I myself joined the Kron Klimbing Klub at age seven, and was mighty annoyed when I later learned that some other organization had usurped the acronym, "KKK."
One firm rule of the Klub I remember distinctly: No eating until you reach the top. (More)
...while I indulge in a bit of nostalgia.
We moved to Central Florida not long after Disney's EPCOT Center opened. Our children were four and not-quite-two, so that first year we bought special Florida resident annual passes to the Disney World parks (all two of them). This was a brilliant investment that enabled us to explore at our leisure and allow the kids to determine when it was time to go home. We wanted to avoid the all too common scene of childish meltdown, caused by parents determined to squeeze every last minute out of their very expensive vacation.
(Very expensive? Well, it was, though no one will believe that if I mention that I remember when the price of a one-day ticket went up to $17 for an adult.) (More)
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