Ha! Engish is cool, too. German has its Eszett (ß) and Spanish its eñe (ñ); the world is full of accents and umlauts and other characters that make life interesting and typing difficult. By contrast, English is plain and boring.
But it wasn't always so. We had - ta da! - The Thorn.
From Michael Leclerc of the New England Historic Genealogical Society:
One of the most abused of all letters (and former letters) in the English language is the Thorn. In Latin, the letter was written as Þ (capital) or þ (lowercase). In English, however, the thorn looks like the modern letter “y.” The thorn is no longer used in everyday English. The Thorn was pronounced the same way as the digraph “th” in modern English. In proper usage it is NEVER pronounced as the letter “y.”
It is often found on old gravestones, usually in its y-shape followed by a superscript letter ("Here lies ye body of"), and in the names of stores attempting to appear quaint (Ye Olde Coffee Shop).
Lest you think this is all ancient history, the thorn can also be found in Unicode, on Icelandic keyboards, and in html (þ = þ).
I think that's cool.
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Category Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
In Bad Science, author Ben Goldacre delivers the following paean as part of a discussion of drug side effects.
I really enjoy the sensation of orgasm. It's important to me, and everything I experience in the world tells me that this sensation is important to other people too. Wars have been fought, essentially, for the sensation of orgasm. There are eveolutionary psychologists who would try to persuade you that the entirety of human culture and language is driven, in large part, by the pursuit of the sensation of orgasm.
Far be it from me to deny the pleasure to which he refers, but the man has obviously never felt the sensation of holding a sleeping baby on his chest.
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Joy is one week old today. She is a remarkably good-natured child, or, as her Uncle Stephan would say, "chill." She naturally sleeps for two hours at a stretch, and only fusses slightly when hungry. Yet when she is awake she is alert, bright-eyed, and looking all around, and she eats with great (and noisy) enthusiasm. Joy puts up cheerfully with being handed around from one person to another, whether in the gentle, even timid, arms of an adult, or the more enthusiastic attentions of her siblings.
Nighttime, naturally, is not quite so perfect. That's when she's most likely to fuss, and to produce a large quantity of messy diapers. But the other day Heather awoke beaming and refreshed—and you know you're a new mother when you can be so enthusiastic over having gotten 10 hours of sleep in five two-hour segments. (More)
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Overheard during the flurry to get everyone out the door in time for church: "Jonathan, now is not the best time to tell us all about grain elevators."
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
In my review, I mentioned that Ben Goldacre's book, Bad Science, suffers from a tendency to sneer. Although he usually directs his disrespect at those with whom he disagrees, every once in a while he takes aim at his readers. Take, for example, this footnote in the chapter, "Why Clever People Believe Stupid Things":
I'd be genuinely intrigued to know how long it takes to find someone who can tell you the difference between "mean," "median," and "mode," from where you are sitting right now.
I find that as insulting as some of the dumb questions asked by Sunday School teachers, the kind that have students sitting on their hands not because they don't know then answer, but because it's so basic and obvious they're embarrassed it was even asked of them.
From where I am sitting, I need look no further than my own chair. We learned mean, median, and mode in elementary school, and if I was never clear on exactly when each was considered the best "average" to use, I could certainly define and calculate them. I'd be shocked if Jon and Heather couldn't also. But probably not Jonathan (7), and certainly not Noah (4), Faith (2), or Joy (five days), so I suppose our household average isn't so impressive. In this case, I am smarter (or at least more knowledgeable) than a first grader. (Though if asked about guns, or Star Wars, or several other topics, I'd lose.)
How about at your house?
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
When the human/bathroom ratio exceeds 6:1, procrastination is a bad thing.
A very bad thing.
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks, by Ben Goldacre (Faber and Faber, New York, 2010)
Bad Science was hard to read. Not because the material is difficult (it's not), nor because I disagree with the author's positions (though sometimes I do), but because it is 258 pages of sneer. Since Goldacre repeatedly states that he is bending over backwards to give his adversaries as much credit as possible, perhaps the sneer is unintentional, but it is no less an impediment. (More)
Life is different for a newborn in a large family. I feel rather ridiculous applying the label "large" to a family of five, but even three siblings is sufficient to give a baby quite a different experience from most American babies. The first- and even second-born can easily become the focus of a great deal of parental attention and anxiety—which can be both a blessing and a curse. The third child, however, breaches the one-to-one parent/child ratio. Many parents of one or two children choose to encourage their kids to be competent and independent at an early age, but once a third child enters the family, that's no longer a choice, but a necessity.
There's a lively discussion currently going on at Free-Range Kids about children who have too much done for them, and I was struck by the following comment: (More)
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Joy is three days old, and all is well. She seems to have a regular fussy period between midnight and three, but other than that has been treating her parents well. She sleeps well, despite the frequent checking, patting, and noisy chaos that comes with having three loving, young siblings. She eats well, drinking in great, noisy gulps. Mom is handling the engorgment stage as well as can be expected without having a nursing toddler to help out. Grandma is happy to be done with meconium diapers.
It is a busy household. Life with three active children doesn't stop just because a fourth had been added. Chores must be done. Maybe we could manage if Noah didn't wipe the table for a day or so (though life would soon get rather sticky), or if Jonathan didn't vacuum the living room floor, but if they neglected their daily task of bringing in wood we'd soon be very cold. (More)
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Phoebe's Quilt: [first] [next] [newest]
Joy Ellen Daley
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
8 lbs. 1 oz., 19 3/4 in.
There are many joys and privileges in life, and I count being present at a grandchild’s birth one of the highest. But if I’d blinked, I’d have missed this one. (More)
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
It's not generally considered the best treatment for a cold and severe laryngitis to play in the snow, but the sky was so blue and the sun so inviting and the snow so perfectly white and perfect for making snowballs and snow men that when the rest of the family went out to enjoy it I couldn't resist accompanying them. I had planned merely to watch, but as I said, the snow was perfect.
At least I never had a chance to get cold; the grandsons saw to that. We made a lovely snowman with a carrot nose, and then engaged in a wild battle. I don't know what the effort did for my cold, but the experience was exhilarating. We Florida girls don't get much opportunity for that kind of fun.
And my voice is no worse, not that it can get much further gone than completely. I'm learning a lot about how much I chatter when given the opportunity. :(
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Faith's two older brothers are off helping Daddy work on the car, so she had luxury of playing with Dad-o's gift all by herself. The three wine corks will no doubt eventually become part of some craft project, but for now they are building blocks. She carefully set down her baby doll—lovingly wrapped in a warm purple blanket—and made a tower, standing the corks all on end (no problems with this two-year-old's coordination). Then she piled them like a woodpile (her family heats with wood), then stood them side by side to make a fence. Next she laid them down, like sleeping people. Then end-to-end to make a snake. Finally, she arranged the corks in an L-shape.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Dat mine dun (gun). Mine OWN dun!"
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
What shopping at your standard grocery store, with its standardized food, won't tell you:
The fruit on the left is a lemon, and on the right is a grapefruit. All natural, from local (Central Florida) trees, healthy (as well as healthful), and absolutely delicious!
I should have put something recognizable in the picture for sizing; the grapefruit is about the size of a baseball.
Jennifer Fulweiler, who blogs at Conversion Diary, asked her worldwide audience to comment on the religious climate in their countries. It's not a scientific poll: for one thing, it has a self-selected Catholic bias. But it is eye-opening nonetheless. Here is what she asked:
If you live (or have recently lived) outside the U.S., we want to hear from you! Some questions:
- Where do you live? (Or, if you’re not currently living there, what part of the world is it that you’re familiar with?)
- What is church attendance like in your area? Are there many churches? Do they seem to have active memberships?
- At a typical social event, how appropriate would it be if a person were to explicitly acknowledge in casual conversation that he or she is a believing Christian? For example, if someone at a party made a passing comment like, “We’ve been praying about that” or “I was reading the Bible the other day, and…”, would that seem normal or odd?
- What belief system do the politicians in your area claim to practice? For example, here in Texas almost all politicians at least claim to have some kind of belief in God, regardless of what they may think in private — to openly admit to being an atheist would be political suicide in most parts of the state. Is this the case in your area?
- How many families do you know who have more than two children? If a family with four children moved to your area, would their family size seem unusual? What about a family with six children?
- What seems to be the dominant belief system of the people in your area?
- Do you notice any trends? Do people seem to be becoming more or less religious?
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Ya gotta love our church. I've changed the names rather than seek permission to publish, but the story is true. From our church bulletin:
LENTEN QUIET DAY IN MARCH led by Pastor Dale at her farm on Saturday, March 12th ... offers two meditations on Elijah's desert journey and meeting God in the quiet - 1 Kings 19 & one on the Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6. A simple lunch will be provided, plus music, prayers, a walking meditation in the pasture (wear comfortable walking shoes), and a closing Eucharist.
GUNS @ DALE'S: SHOOTING SKEET & KILLING CANS The spring time shootout is Saturday, March 12. ... For Guys & Gals. Bring your friends, kids, & grandkids. If you've got a gun, bring it. If you don't have a gun, there will be several to use (WITH instruction and supervision).... LIMITED TO THE 1ST 25 FOR SAFETY'S SAKE.
Contrary to appearances, these two popular events, though on the same day, are not on the same property. "Dale" does not refer to the same person in both cases. But the juxtaposition does capture quite nicely the diversity represented in our church.
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