Grace's "numbers" have been doing very well, as has she herself.  But at today's clinic visit, her creatinine level was elevated, and that was confirmed by a repeat test.  This indicates potential trouble with her kidneys, so she is scheduled for a kidney ultrasound on Friday.

Thank you, as always, treasured pray-ers.

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 6:48 pm | Edit
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Category Pray for Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

For those of you who enjoyed Charles Cornell's analysis of the writing of the Pirates of the Caribbean music, and/or Grace's family's production of the same, here's another Cornell video, and not coincidentally another Daley production, this time for The Lord of the Rings.

I have mixed feelings about those movies, which to my mind do a grave injustice to J.R.R. Tolkien's creation, but they have their good moments, and the score is incredible. I'm a devoted "classical" music fan with little patience for so-called popular genres, but modern art music has veered off into such strange directions that I'm more than half certain that all the good composers have deserted to movie music. And I say, more power to them!


The Daley version was created two years ago this month, a year earlier than their Pirates production. Grace's contribution comes at the end of the credits.  (I was disappointed that there was no 2024 family musical production, but there was this small matter of Grace's cancer consuming every spare moment of their lives.  Maybe in 2025!)

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 8:15 am | Edit
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(Family still trumps politics.)

I recently spent several days with Grace and her family. It was SO GOOD to see her in person and in action.

Grace is my hero.

There's a reason Christ said of children, "of such is the kingdom of heaven," and "whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."

Grace has faith and trust as strong as any I have ever seen.

Her central line is covered by a dressing that needs to be changed periodically. I watched the process take place on our sun-drenched deck, complete with sterile gloves, masks, disinfectants, the whole nine yards. And what did Grace do? She lay flat on her back with her arms over her head, absolutely stock still, until the procedure was finished. This is the same procedure the hospital assumed would take five assistants to hold her down!

It's not as if she's a passive patient. She knows, for example, exactly how the daily procedure that flushes her lines must go, and doesn't trust the strange nurses who do it when she is in the hospital. When they do not follow the procedure, she does not hesitate to let them know.

But Grace trusts her parents, and relaxes patiently when she knows they're in charge.

What's more, she quietly accepts the necessary restrictions on her life, all the while living as normal a life as possible. (Well, mostly quietly. She IS a two-year-old.)

That small backpack contains the nutrition and whatever else goes into her stomach via her NG tube, plus the pump and associated controls. She's small, and it's heavy, so she'll more often be found dragging it along the ground instead of wearing it on her back, but it goes everywhere with her, except at night. She takes it as a matter of course, and is adept at manoeuvring all the associated lines as she goes about her normal play. (Not to mention that she is aware when the machine's beeping alerts her to a situation that needs attention, and sometimes even knows what must be done to fix the problem.)

Grace trusts her family (siblings as well as parents), and does the best she can to live a good life within the parameters that have been given to her. That's faith. (Her sister Faith is another one of my heroes.)

This faith and heroism is true of the rest of her family as well. When cancer comes to visit a family, it brings with it a host of opportunities for heroic behavior. Here's a great picture of the family at camp recently.

Those of you who enjoy puzzles might appreciate zooming in on the shirt that Jonathan (at the right, holding Grace) is wearing. Just to set the bar for you, our 14-year-old grandson, visiting from the other side of the Atlantic, figured it out in a matter of seconds. Don't let that deter you; most people take a lot longer than that, if they get it at all. (Though I will brag that I wasn't much behind him.)

In case you didn't catch it, a very important part of our vacation was getting the New Hampshire and Swiss cousins together for the first time in seven years. You won't see as many photos of that, as the latter folks are understandably more photo- and social media-shy, but it was such a great time, and they played together so joyfully as to do my heart a world of good!

For a complete Grace update, including a couple more adorable pictures and a cool story about Faith's soccer team, see the Heather's Day +170 post here.

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 11:20 am | Edit
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Bragging about her grandchildren is written right into the Grandmother Contract, and I've certainly done my part in the past. But never like this.

The pathology report on Grace's colon biopsy indicates graft versus host disease. (That's not what I'm bragging about.) It is a mild form of GVHD, and they believe a couple of weeks of steroids should take care of it.

My own grandmother-gut suspicion, based on no medical expertise at all, is that the GVHD showed up in her colon because that's been the weakest and most stressed part of her body for most of her life. It was intestinal problems that eventually led to her NF1/JMML diagnosis. (Once the doctors got out of the rut of thinking, "it's just food allergies.")

We thank God that the doctors believe this will be a short-lived problem.

And here's the punch line. Two-year-old Grace has no doubt been set back somewhat in her development by all her medical problems and procedures. But there's no doubt that she listens, pays attention, and thinks about what she hears. When she overheard that the diagnosis was GVHD, she got very upset!

They anticipate discharge on Wednesday.

Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 8:35 pm | Edit
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Here's the latest Daley update, complete with pictures.

The Reader's Digest version:

  • Grace and Jon are still at Boston Children's, so she can be observed while awaiting the test results.
  • The bone marrow aspiration went better than last time and they got all the marrow they need for their tests (but results will come later).
  • Grace's esophagus looks fine.
  • Her colon is quite inflamed, which the doctors are sure is causing her GI symptoms. They have no idea why, but are hoping for enlightenment when the pathologist looks at her colon biopsy. Hopefully that will be early next week, as in the meantime the doctors involved don't agree on what to do with her diet.
  • She had some cardiac irregularities when waking up from the anesthesia, but they were short-lived, and otherwise her recovery went well.
  • During a video call last night, she was eating a bagel, laughing at her brothers, talking, and playing.
  • The rest of the family had a great activity day, arranged by, an organization supporting kids impacted by a loved one's cancer. They all had fun, but Faith is still frustrated by the pain that continues to restrict her activities, so please remember to pray for her as well.

As always, we are so grateful for your support.

Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 8:30 am | Edit
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From Heather (emphasis mine):

Grace has been on a clear liquid diet until today where she is getting nothing into her stomach until anesthesia at 5:30. She will be getting a complete GI scope and a bone marrow biopsy. Please pray for the anesthesiologist and the surgeons as well as for Grace.

Jon called this morning to say that they will be at the hospital at least until Monday, because the doctors want to observe her as she goes back on feeds. Also, for the results of the biopsies. (I'm assuming intestinal, because the bone marrow takes a week.)

Jon is discouraged and sleep-deprived, and it's not really practical for me to go there because of Hope.

Grace and Jon did have a good day yesterday, playing games, doing crafts, reading books, painting, watching Mary Poppins.

We're holding on here at home, but now will need to prepare for and go to Family Camp without two important members of the family. Hopefully, they will be able to join us soon.

In other news, Noah is 18 today, and to celebrate true adulthood, has a written FAA test and a dentist appointment. Laughing

In case you were wondering, those of you who know of Noah as a baker, he is making his own cake today. Maybe I'll have pictures later.

And here's a joyful update, which I'm sure is helping Jon a lot:

We have a friend who just volunteered to go down and give him a break. Praise God for his people!

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 12:37 pm | Edit
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This was Heather's morning post. (I'm copying the text, but if you click on the link, you'll see a cute picture.)

When Jon and Grace got back from Dartmouth, Jon asked me to take her temperature. He could feel that she was hot, but the thermometer they used at Dartmouth did not register a fever (it was the kind that you hold a centimeter away from the forehead.) My initial armpit reading was 101.8. That means Boston admission. So I had Joy and Nathaniel pack a few more days of clothes for Jon and Grace (our emergency bag in the car only has two days' worth) and Jon got her medicines and his work stuff ready. By the time they left, her armpit temperature was 103.3.

Jon's midnight update included that her fever had gone down to 38.1 (100.8) by the time they arrived at the ER and that she had eaten half a popsicle and smiled for the first time all day. She got all sorts of tests done and abdomen x-rays. So far, according to the portal, she is negative for flu and cold viruses and x-rays show nothing unusual. Her hemoglobin fell significantly, so I expect she got/is getting some blood this morning. At midnight, she had not been admitted yet, but she is in 6 West now.

First, I have to make a correction. That may have been the first smile Jon saw yesterday, but we Skyped with her mid-morning, and she was smiling then, even though she had just thrown up.

(Kudos to Heather, who had to clean up what must have been an all-time record for spreading vomitus in the most inconvenient places.)

Since then, she has had some very welcome visitors, having had the good sense (?) to get herself admitted just in time to catch our favorite Boston Childrens' pediatrician before she becomes our favorite pediatrician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. (Whether it was a good move to show up just in time for the arrival of the annual batch of newly-minted residents is another question.)

The plan is to talk with the gastroenterology people today. In preparation, Grace is not allowed to eat. Apparently that is making her sad, which is actually good news, because since getting sick she has had little to no interest in eating. Is she still getting nutrition through her NG tube? I don't know. Is there any medical person who can tell me if "NPO" means "no input to the system" rather than literally "nothing by mouth"? If the point is to have her system empty for her procedure(s), putting the food directly into her stomach would seem just as bad.

I don't know if she received blood or not, but maybe not, since they're blaming her hemoglobin drop on having pumped a lot of fluids into her (because of the fever, I assume).

That's all, folks ... for now.

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 2:48 pm | Edit
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Category Pray for Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

The doctors seemed to be taking Grace's recent intestinal problems very casually, but since she threw up her NG tube this morning, they're sitting up and taking notice. The new plan is for Grace to be admitted (in Boston) on Friday for observation and testing. (Not the way they wanted to celebrate her brother's 18th birthday!) Here's Heather's latest post.

Today, Boston called to say they'd like to observe Grace over the weekend and to prepare for admission on Friday. They will likely do a colonoscopy and maybe even an endoscopy. (And Dartmouth suggested they get some bone marrow while she's sedated.)

She threw up her NG tube this morning and so Jon took her to Dartmouth. They were able to do her regular appointment stuff so we don't have to go in tomorrow. It was a more traumatic NG tube placement than the other two times, and their tape is not as good.

We have been giving her zofran the last few days. Her appetite has been practically nil. There's definitely something going on. It's not the typical GVHD symptoms, but they haven't ruled it out yet. There might be an NF1 related cause; I've done minimal research on that and it's a possibility.

We depend on God to hold us up, so please intercede on our behalf.

How quickly things can change.

Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:37 pm | Edit
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With good reason, we have been focusing here on Grace. But there's another half to this bone marror transplant, and that's her sister-donor, Faith. They were a perfect bone-marrow match, and Faith was delighted to be able to provide this life-saving gift to her little sister.

But it has not come without significant sacrifice, and I daresay insufficient preparation. The bone marrow transplant literature makes it out to be a much lighter procedure than it is. The pre-donation testing is rigorous and extensive—Faith fainted at one point—and the donation itself involved forty-seven separate insertions of the needle into her bones! (Possibly twice that many; I don't remember if that number was total, or for each side.) They had made so little of the strenuousness of the procedure that Faith had hoped to be able to join her friends on a ski trip a few days afterwards—not to ski, of course, but to sit in the lodge and enjoy the camaraderie and atmosphere. That was so far from the reality that I question whether "informed consent" was taken seriously.

Here's what happened, and is happening, according to Jon's most recent post:

When Faith signed up for the donation, she was told to expect one or maybe two days of significant pain, and then a week of pain that should be managed with Tylenol and then no running and jumping for six weeks, even if she felt like it.

She had 3-4 days of significant pain, and has certainly gotten better since the first week, but at more than 4 months, continues to have 2 out of 10 pain 24 hours a day. And more pain if she exerts herself too hard.

Grace's doctors referred Faith to her primary care, who took some x-rays and referred her to physical therapy. The x-rays didn't show any fractures. The physical therapist didn't really know what to do, in that she didn't know anything about bone marrow donation, but asked a bunch of good questions and gave her some exercises to do daily. She is supposed to go back to her primary care if she is still in pain in a month or two. We did find on Google that 4% of donors are still in pain at 9 months and 1% are in pain at 12 months, but the cancer doctors said that Faith shouldn't be in that class of donors, since she is so young. We do wonder if the "hard time" the doctors had when collecting the bone marrow would result in this extra pain, but we don't know.

Faith wants to play soccer in the fall, but if the pain continues, will not be able to. She would appreciate your prayers as she tries to rest, but also work on getting her body ready for soccer.

I know Faith, and I know that she would have made the donation anyway, even if she had known the consequences. But facilities that do bone marrow transplants should be paying more attention to the donors, who are an absolutely essential part of their cancer treatment process. Shouldn't there be someone on staff who knows about the consequences and complications, and can do more than send her back to a primary care doctor who undoubtedly knows little to none of that? I have great respect for physical therapists, and this one sounds good, but they don't have this specialized knowledge.

When you pray for Grace (thank you!) would you please also pray for Faith?  For wisdom for her, her parents and the doctors; for complete healing; and that she will be able to get fully back to normal life (and soccer!).

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:54 am | Edit
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It has been blessedly quiet on the Grace front for a while, giving the family a chance to focus on Hope, her new little sister. No news has been great news, with Grace being weaned off the cyclosporin, laughing, smiling, playing, growing hair, and generally enjoying life despite the remaining presence of her nasogastric tube and central lines.

But now we're back with another prayer request. In Heather's words,

Grace has been having belly pain and a lot of mucous in her stool, often with blood as well. We have taken her off cow's milk again (she had been asking for it instead of almond milk.) We haven't seen much improvement in the last week, and she does complain that her belly hurts and she also has a diaper rash. There is the possibility that this is GVHD (graft vs. host disease) and for the moment we have stopped weaning her cyclosporine. We are waiting for her Dartmouth team to communicate with her Boston team to see what to do.

Please pray for complete gut healing, normal stools, and normal appetite. And wisdom and peace.

Thank you all.

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 2:56 pm | Edit
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The chimerism results from Grace's most recent bone marrow aspiration are in:  >97%!

I've seen chimerism results of 100%, but with this particular laboratory the best you can do is >97%.  Sort of the way the highest grade on a number of educational standardized tests is 99%.  So it's great news!

Posted by sursumcorda on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 6:00 am | Edit
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Hope is doing great, nursing and sleeping well.  Heather, too, feels well and actually (to her mother's eyes, anyway) looks more rested than she did in the last month of pregnancy.

On Wednesday, Jon and Grace will go to Boston, so she can have her post-day-100 bone marrow aspirate. Prayers will be much appreciated!

Grace appears to be doing very, very well. We do video chats, and it's wonderful to see her smiling, hear her laughing, and observe as her language blossoms.

The BMA is an important test, to give a picture of what's going on under the surface. Plus, it involves anesthesia, which is always a special concern. Last time they had to poke her twice to get enough sample, so we're praying that they can do it with just one this time.

Thank you all!

UPDATE 6/6/24 Grace made it through the procedure well, though that's all I know at this point.  Boston isn't the best at sharing results, seeming to prefer the "no news is good news" approach.  Chimerism results come much later, anyway.

Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 6:43 pm | Edit
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Hope Serena Daley
Born Friday, May 31, 2024, 6:50 p.m.
Weight: 9 pounds, 11 ounces
Length: 22 inches

Hope was born at home, 17 minutes after the family's midwife arrived. Her timing was amazing; she made her appearance at the exact time her oldest brothers had planned to leave for their orchestra concert. Needless to say, they hung around a little longer. But they made it in good time, and it was an excellent concert—we watched the livestream. Too bad the audience was slightly reduced, but Hope can be forgiven for stealing the show at home.

Grace, the proud big sister.

Twenty-three hours later: Hope and Joy.

Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 7:55 am | Edit
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I am brazenly stealing Heather's post; I can't say it better.

This is the day the doctors consider the transplant to be successful. 

This doesn't mean that she's not still at risk for a bunch of things. But it does mean that Faith's cells are firmly established in her system and doing their job!

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 8:08 am | Edit
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Category Pray for Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

The long-anticipated Day +100 is rapidly approaching, but Grace managed to make it more exciting by picking up her first post-transplant cold. Turns out it is just a simple cold, but in her situation a runny nose and mild fever sent her on her first unscheduled return to the hospital post-transplant. There are so many things more serious than a cold that they have to check for, and they need to observe her closely to make sure her body is handling the challenge well.

I worried that she might fear the prison doors were closing around her again, but she took it well, and was very happy to beat her dad in Chutes and Ladders twice in a row. (Does anyone besides me remember that the game was once called Snakes and Ladders?)

Here's the short story version from Heather:

Overall, things have been going well, Grace's numbers coming back satisfactorily.

But then she got a cold. Just runny nose and sneezing. But after her nap, she had a mild fever. Boston wanted us to take her to Dartmouth, but Dartmouth said that if her fever went up, they'd be transferring her to Boston. So Jon decided to take her straight to Boston. (That was Tuesday night.)

They did a plethora of tests and the only positive was rhinovirus. But they wanted to keep an eye out on her for at least 24 hours, so they admitted her. She did get blood overnight, but everything else is looking good. Jon is hoping to come home tomorrow afternoon. She did some painting and lots of games with Daddy. He went over to the Dana Farber resource room to get her more books, since I had only packed her a few.

This is a really short version to get the word out and still get myself to bed relatively on time. Please keep up the prayers. Day +100 is just around the corner, and Jon discussed with the doctors the weaning process for the immunosuppressant drug.

I'm so very thankful that our family has not had any sickness from the time we had COVID at Christmas until now. Please pray that general trend continues and we keep sickness (and hospital visits) away.

Here's a really cool thing about the timing: Our nephew's wife (niece-in-law?), the one who's a pediatrician at Boston Children's, happened to be on duty in the Emergency Room Tuesday night!

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 9:16 pm | Edit
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