Just a commercial, but one with meaning. First, it's a pretty good one. Second, I've known the scarecrow since he was barely school age, when he regularly served as an usher at church. All decked out in his suit and tie, he took his job with the utmost seriousness, and knew more about what needed to be done than many of the adults.
All those years he was (and still is) active in our church's theatre program: acting, stage management, even directing. This was (I believe) his first commercial. I'm sure it won't be his last.
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I can't resist this picture of Grace at dinner last night.
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You can now set up subscriptions to receive e-mail updates when there are new posts on this blog and on Daley Ponderings. Those links should work for you, but you can also find them on the right-hand panels, under "CATEGORIES".
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As you know by now, you can see more update information on the Daley Ponderings blog.
They had a heavy day of testing and meetings in Boston today, and are staying overnight for another tomorrow. Also tomorrow, Faith comes to Boston for her own tests.
I know many of you pray "daily grace for Grace Daley," and we are so grateful. For those of you who like to be more specific with your praying (or just want to follow their journey), here's the schedule, if all goes as planned:
- 1/10-1/11 testing in Boston
- 1/19 CT scan at Dartmouth
- 1/22 pre-transplant surgery requiring anesthesia
- 1/30 admission to Boston, hard chemo begins
- 2/8 transplant (Faith requires anesthesia, Grace gets Faith's bone marrow through her central line.)
- Then, step-by-step, day-by-day recovery.
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Grace gets a massive health check-up before her bone marrow transplant. The first two days of testing are scheduled for tomorrow and the next day in Boston. Among other things, I think they want to get baseline data so they can keep an eye on all her organ systems after transplant.
Five inches of snow so far for them today. It's supposed to change to rain.
You may have noticed that we're trying to make a way for you to subscribe to e-mail updates, but there are still a few wrinkles to be ironed out.
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Heather and Jon have begin putting Grace updates on their own blog. Jon's working on a way for people to subscribe so they can be notified when new posts are up, and I will also continue linking from here and on Facebook. And probably continue to add a few notes of my own.
Here are links to the current post titles, in chronological order. You can also navigate from one to another using the buttons, e.g. "[next]" that you'll find below each post (and above the comment section).
- 7th Child, Doesn't Get a Blog Post
- Grace: Two Years of Unexplained Medical Issues
- Dartmouth Emergency Room
- Leukemia
- Next Steps: Boston Children's Hospital / Dana Farber Cancer Institute
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When the Make a Wish Foundation would take you to Disney World but you have your own private amusement park.
(I'm having issues with YouTube, and I did not want this to be a "Short." But this will do. Time is short!
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Category Pray for Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
We finally got to see Grace herself! She was pretty sad and sore (from the mucositis) last night when she and Jon returned from what should be her final day of chemo until the BIG ONE. But soon she was back to her charming self, if a bit subdued.
Grace knows the drill with her medical affairs, and insists everything be done decently and in order. Once at the clinic the nurse was doing something with her central line, and when she was done, had to go into the hall to get a new cap for one of the lines. That meant the line was left uncapped while she walked the few steps. Grace immediately called after her, "CAP!"
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The chemo is beginning to tell on Grace. (For you medical people, or those familiar with chemo side effects, she's beginning to experience mucositis, which is not fun at any age.) But Heather was able to spend several hours with her today, so that helped a lot.
And yes, we are surviving the cold, thanks for asking. They have a lovely pellet stove to snuggle up to when we need to warm up, and we're sleeping in the computer room, which gets toasty if you close the door. However, we're not taking leisurely strolls through town. Current temperature is a blamy 36F, but we're looking at a low of 15 tomorrow. No snow now, but you could (please) pray for our return flight next week, scheduled the day after a "potential winter storm." I'm okay with potential winter storms, as long as they don't materialize. :) Okay, maybe a few flakes would be fun to see, as long as they don't mess with air traffic.
UPDATE (already): I should have waited five more minutes before posting. Now I have the word directly from Heather:
I drove up this morning to take Grace to her infusion today. It was good to see her!
She is mostly doing great. (She and Jon both tested negative today.) However, she is starting to develop mucositis, which is a very common side effect of chemo. This is where the mucus membranes do not replenish themselves after sloughing off. She will not fully heal until after her immune system builds back up after transplant. Unless the Holy Spirit does a divine healing work!
Tomorrow, she will be having an EKG and an ultrasound in addition to her final chemo for this round. These things are part of the pre-transplant whole-body workup.
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We are now in New Hampshire with the family. We have not yet seen Grace nor Jon, except via Skype. They are staying in a hotel near the hospital until Thursday, when she completes her current round of chemotherapy. Grace is being a real trouper, but has been sad today. I don't know how much is due to chemo, but I know she is missing her large family, and lights up whenever she sees them on Skype.
It's been so good to see everyone else, and give and receive plenty of hugs. Our thanks to all of you who prayed for our travels, which went well. (Travelling on New Year's Day morning, while truckers and crazy motorcyclists are mostly still nursing their hangovers, is almost pleasant.)
The main thing now is to keep everyone healthy—which in a very busy, very large household during a New Hampshire winter may be a God-sized miracle in itself.
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Directly from Heather:
Grace had her last dose of remdesivir and her first dose of second round azacytadine today (with anti nausea meds also.)
Then she and Jon are spending the night at home! We ate dinner all together as a family, and the siblings are having fun reading to her and playing with her. She is such sunshine in our lives.
They will go back up tomorrow for more chemo, and then stay at the wonderful David's House for the next few days as she finishes this round.
Continued thanks for continued prayers.
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Jon and Grace are staying at a hotel near the hospital, to save some of the long daily drives back and forth. Heather wrote a quick update and is enjoying having some time with the other kids, who have of necessity not had their normal share of mommy time lately (not to mention Grace time).
Jon and Grace are waiting in their hotel for the hospital to have a bed open. She seemed to handle her remdesivir just fine yesterday, though she (maybe coincidentally) had a giant diaper that leaked all over everywhere and Jon had to call in a nurse to help clean it up. (Since then, it's been normal.)
The boys read her stories over zoom this morning.
Oh, Jon is now congested. We didn't think to send a COVID test up with them, so he bought one, but I haven't heard the results.
We have a new tentative schedule. Testing Jan 10-11. (Faith will go in for her stuff one of those days.) CAT scan at Dartmouth 1/18 or 19. Bone marrow aspirate (final check) 1/22. Admission 1/30, transplant 2/8.
Subject to change, of course, but that's the schedule as of now.
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Grace was supposed to start her second round of chemo today, but at the Daleys' request they agreed to postpone the first dose till Sunday, to give her time to get over covid, which she seems to be doing just fine on her own. Unfortunately, they will be giving her remdesivir, which I am not happy about—hey, it's my blog, so you will still occasionally get my opinions—but cancer and a compromised immune system put you in a difficult position when it comes to treatment choices. Sometimes you have to pick your battles. This, by the way, is in Dartmouth, not Boston. Boston looks to have been postponed by a couple of weeks, though that's still tentative and subject to whatever else happens.
From Heather:
Jon just called from Dartmouth. They have agreed to postpone the azacytadine (chemo) until Sunday. Grace is starting on remdesivir (infusion over two hours per Jon's request after his research) today, and will repeat for the next two days. So Sunday, she will be getting both, but not at the same time, so it will make for a long day. Jon will be getting a hotel for Grace and himself so he does not have to drive back and forth so much after long days of medicines. We may switch off, or they may come home for a night or so. That part is up in the air.
Thank you very much for your prayers for the doctors to listen to his concerns.
This will also be the longest Grace and I have been apart. Right now she's quite fine, and she's done single overnights before when she was in the hospital, but it will be interesting to see how she handles it. We might make visits more frequent depending on how that goes.
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Just as I was crawling into bed, already late, I received an e-mail that made me turn to Facebook where I knew there were pray-ers still awake. There's a reason some of us are morning people and some are night people! This is what I wrote:
To those still awake: emergency prayer for Grace, please. She has a fever, as she did the first time she had covid, but now a fever requires a trip to the ER for tests and antibiotics, a 40-minute drive, and the day started early and has been very stressful and they are so tired.... Pray for safe driving as well. If they get home tonight it will be very late. It already is very late. Thank you.
I was so gratified by the response from our night-owl friends.
I woke up at 3:45 in the morning. There are some advantages to getting older. I wouldn't have put middle-of-the-night bathroom runs as one of them, but in this case I was able to get the e-mail telling me that they had made it safely home at 3:30 a.m.
I knew better than to expect anything more when I woke up in the morning, and waited for an update while hoping they were getting some sleep.
Wouldn't you know, shortly after I posted to Facebook that I didn't know any more than that they were home, look what came:
They got home at 3:30am. Her bloodwork looks pretty good, her fever went down without meds, they gave her antibiotics anyway just to be sure.
She and Jon are heading to Dartmouth soon. Pray for their conversation as he is going to try to get them to wait on the chemo a few days so that she can fight off the COVID first.
Grace is doing well. Stuffy, but eating like her usual monster self. (:
Prayers for us would be appreciated, too, as we are going up there for a short visit, and that's a bit more complicated than usual, obviously. Please pray for safe travels, that our visit will be a blessing, and that we neither give nor receive any illnesses!
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